dien bien travel

Update news dien bien travel

Dien Bien boosts community tourism potentials in Nam Cum Village

Surrounded by more than 1,200 ’hoa ban’ (bauhinia) trees of many years old, Nam Cum Village is one of the rare villages in Muong Ang District, Dien Bien Province that still retains the pristine and rustic beauty of a highland village.

Phieng Ban village kicks off plum harvesting season

Phieng Ban Valley boasts one of the largest areas dedicated to plum cultivation in the province of Dien Bien. With over 120 households, the majority of the village residents are involved in growing plum trees

Inside command tunnel of French general De Castries in Dien Bien province

Throughout May historical sites in the northern mountainous province of Dien Bien, including the command tunnel of French general De Castries, have been crowded with people keen to learn about the historic Dien Bien Phu Victory on May 7, 1954.

Contemplating the largest rice paddy field in the northwest

Besides its economic value of yielding the famous Dien Bien rice brand, the paddy field field also holds historical significance intertwined with the Dien Bien Phu Campaign.

Seven must-visit places in Dien Bien

The northwestern mountainous province of Dien Bien has many charming places to visit, in addition to historical relic sites related to the Dien Bien Phu Campaign.

Dien Bien’s culinary culture: must-try dishes

Dien Bien has placed importance on developing its culinary scene and recognized this as important for tourism.

The story of Pa Khoang Lake’s cherry blossom

Thousands of cherry blossom trees on Pá Khoang Island have been nurtured by Dr Trần Lệ, a biologist, who has a long career in high-tech agriculture.

National tourism year 2024 to offer ’infinite experiences’

This is a prominent cultural, economic and social event of national and international scale, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7, 1954 - May 7, 2024).

Visit Vietnam Year - Dien Bien 2024 promises endless experiences

In association with the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory (May 7, 1954 – 2024), Visit Vietnam Year - Dien Bien 2024 is expected to bring endless experiences to tourists, heard a press conference in Hanoi on February 21.

Dien Bien National Tourism Year 2024 kicks off

The Opening Ceremony of The National Tourism Year 2024 will take place together with the Ban Flower Festival in March 2024 in Điện Biên Phủ City

Pha Đin Pass coloured with brilliant flowers

The 32-km long Pha Đin Pass is the gateway to the northwestern mountainous province of Điện Biên. It is located on Highway 6.

Wild sunflowers in bloom in northwestern Dien Bien Province

The wild sunflower is a shrub with an average height of about 2m - 3m. Its plant stem is dark green and erect. When the trunk turns to wood, it is grey-brown. It grows alone or in clusters, and the buds bloom at the beginning of winter.

Black chicken a tasty speciality of the Mong ethnic group

Despite a thousand years of nomadic life, the Mong ethnic group in Dien Bien’s Tua Chua Village still considers black chicken a valuable part of many tasty dishes.